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Oink! A Pigsical turns the classic tale of the 3 Little Pigs into a poignant and funny coming of age story that everyone can enjoy. The younger crowd will be rapt with the shenanigans of the piglet trio – creating chaos wherever they go and outsmarting each other and the wolf. Parents will identify all too well with the bittersweet task of ushering kids out of the pigpen and into the world. And those in between will sing along with the thrill and anxiety of venturing out to “greet the unknown.”


This is an all-new, not-new musical work. The personal story behind its creation is a powerful one – one of many tales written by Deb Hollander, a constant creator and brilliant storyteller who knows the hearts and minds of young piglets from years of working with children and their families in theatre and therapy. Clif Hardin, a renowned composer whose time had come to expand into musical theater, wrote music and additional lyrics that leap off the page and into your heart.

Pigs in Space (and Time)

The OINK Timeline

Spring 1998

Deb Hollander finishes the script and original music and copyrights “Three Little Pigs: Up Close and Personal”


September 2013 

Jen Rodgers reads the scripts, loves them, and begins the search for a musical collaborator for Deb. Clif Hardin (among others) responds to the call-out and we dive in!


January 2014

All the original lyrics have been set and Clif, Deb and Jen start on new music and lyrics for the big ending.


May 2014

Rough demo recordings are made and a first cast assembled for a staged reading.


July 2014

First public reading to workshop the first full draft. The 65-person audience gives us a leaping ovation! We ask for and receive many levels of input on the effectiveness, flow and accessibility of the show.


November 2014

Revised opening is completed with two new songs and script revisions that introduces the audience to the pig siblings with a splash right up front.


Spring 2015

Recording the first official demo at Blue House Productions and giving the show a new name and face. OINK! A Pigsical is born!


Summer 2015

Assembling a cast to take us through to our first festivals and present the musical to the DC theater scene. 


September 2015

Early:  launched the OINK! website and Indiegogo campaign to fund all these dreams.  A couple weeks later, on September 17th, after an unexpectedly rapid downturn, Deb Hollander passed.


October 2015

3 semi-staged performances of the complete musical at the Black Box of Silver Spring on October 17-18. Successful completion of first funding campaign ($11,600).

September 2016

Revisions complete from the workshop performances, website and materials updated for future theaters.  Ready, world!  Come take a look!


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