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Our Pig Debut!

Oink! A Pigsical was presented for the first

time in 3 semi-staged performances at the

Silver Spring Black Box Theater on 

October 17th & 18th, 2015.

300 people saw the show & loved it!


Our First Campaign was a Success!!

We raised $11,600 to fully fund the 

development of the show through our performances on October 17-18, 2015!


Thanks to everyone who contributed!

Oink! A Pigsical Available to Theaters!


Our internal development phase is done and the show is available as a new work for theaters.

In Memoriam

Deborah Hollander

Author and Lyricist

May 31, 1945 - September 17, 2015

Deborah Hollander died on September 17, 2015.  She lived a beautiful, challenging and precious life, and will be fiercely missed!  She is the source and spirit of this show and, wherever and whenever it plays, she will be there singing every line, sparking every laugh, and nodding at every tear. 

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